Thanks to the innovative design concept, Rototest’s test systems are a natural fit in numerous test applications. And thanks to their flexibility our customers are continuously exploring and expanding into new application areas.
Ready for you
The complete powertrain dynamometer system that Rototest brings to you is the result of over a hundred thousand man-hours of development. This to give you the most cost-effective and time-saving system available without compromising quality and measurement accuracy. Whether your application involves transferring road testing into a more efficient lab environment or general development, the ROTOTEST system supports you with true road load simulation, high repeatability as well as high reproducibility. It further enables you to conduct your test in a controlled environment that will help you shorten the development time, improve efficiency and reduce costs.

The ROTOTEST Energy enables you to efficiently conduct realistic and precise high dynamic maneuvers with outstanding repeatability.
The ROTOTEST Energy system gives you multiple ways to efficiently provide a testing environment for ADAS functionality calibration and validation thanks to it modular use structure.
EV / PHEV / HEV (Electrification)
The ROTOTEST Energy enables you to conduct demanding test with accurate result regardless of complexity of the powertrain.
RDE - Real Driving Emission
With the ROTOTEST Energy system you can run RDE cycles with better accuracy, improved repeatability and faster process time
Shorten your development time by testing your powertrain in a controlled lab environment.
Intelligent Vehicle
The ROTOTEST Energy enables you to design testing environments to optimize your development of intelligent and connected vehicles.
HiL / ViL (Vehicle-in-the-Loop)
The ROTOTEST Energy dynamometer system fully supports you in the development process
Powertrain Functional Testing
ROTOTEST Energy powertrain dynamometers allows you to validate any powertrain function in a safe and controlled environment.
Flexibility beyond
The ROTOTEST Energy system has been designed from ground up with maximum flexibility in mind to enable usage in numerous applications.
Read more about the products
We specializes in hub-coupled dynamometers. Our solutions will help you to propel your automotive projects faster and with higher precision or simply – do more in less time and with less expense.
Contact us at Rototest
We know that adopting new technologies and methods can be hard. That is why we specialize in assisting our customers in their decision phases to find the best solution for every case, whether priorities may be flexibility, cost-efficiency or time-optimization.